Wednesday, June 11, 2008

It's Microwave Hot

We broke another temperature record yesterday (great). 102. Painful. With the weather this ridiculously hot this ridiculously early, I am not inclined to stand over a hot stove every night. Instead, I've been cooking larger quantities on just one night, then divvying up and freezing for the rest of the week, which brings me to the microwave. For a couple of years I lived without one because I believed it a wicked, evil thing whose heat-producing was equally health-reducing , but when it's still 100 degrees outside at 7pm I am now grateful for those bouncing waves keeping my kitchen cool. With increased usage, however, comes increased splatters, especially with anything tomato-saucey. Sometimes the splatters won't wipe up with just water, and the thought of applying anything chemical-based just disturbs me (I can just envision little toxic chemical atoms bouncing around the next time I hit "Start"). A while back my mom cut out a tip from the Dallas Morning News on how to clean your microwave with just water and lemon and I am here to testify! I don't remember their exact instructions, but here is what has proved tried and true for me: Just place a few slices lemon in a soup bowl of water and nuke it for a couple of minutes. Remove the bowl and wipe your microwave clean with just a (water) dampened clean cloth. Works like a charm!

Lemon slices need to be placed in the bowl with the water. Accent slice in photo is just for dramatic effect.

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