Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Thumper and Bambi

Living in Dripping Springs on a couple of acres, there never ceases to be some wildlife activity that completely entrances me.

There is no way I can describe what I witnessed last night so that it will be in any way as charming and sweet and unbelievable as what happened, but here is my abbreviated version.

One of my dogs was looking at the front window and barking. So, I went to check it out and there was a little cottontail bunny hopping around in the front yard. I had seen him a few days before and he's just adorable, so I grabbed my camera and attempted a shot. It was getting dark, so shot isn't great at all, but you can see Thumper here. After I took 2 pictures the camera died, so I retired to the couch.

A few minutes later my dog is at the front window again, now crying and looking and me and crying, so I go to check it out again. This time, it's Thumper and a fawn in the front yard. The fawn, we'll call Bambi, was following Thumper around the yard. Thumper would hop-hop-hop about 4 feet and Bambi would follow. Then Thumper would hop-hop-hop again and Bambi would follow. Bambi would follow in the exact same pattern that Thumper hopped (so if Thumper hopped to the left and then the right, Bambi would follow to the left and then the right). This was repeated approximately 5 times until after the last hop-hop-hop, Thumper just sat there for a long time. Bambi watched and waited, but Thumper was over the game, so Bambi turned and left. Naturally, my camera is dead, but I did attempt a photo with my camera phone. You can't see anything, but I have circled the blobs that are Thumper (small circle) and Bambi (larger circle).

It was just about the cutest thing I've ever seen. And, I swear it's true, there was a blue bird sitting on a tree branch above it all at the same time. Seriously.

Note: Tacky trash can in the photo because we got rain earlier in the day and I try to catch what rainwater I can in whatever I can.

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